Little Drummer Boy
So the other day we got to have our anatomy scan ultrasound and I gotta say, it was the coolest thing we've seen in our pregnancy so far. Its the one where they spend about an hour on your ultrasound doing all the measurements and checking all the major organs for proper development, and usually the one where most people find out the baby's sex. Of course I had already found out via blood test at around week 12 since they do that for us old as f* moms over 35 (haha.) But no doubt about it, in between his constant leg pumps and tendencies to moon the screen, we could see clearly we are having a boy.

Already this kid has got so much energy and personality. And rhythm! The way he was pumping his legs and fists, we wonder if he's destined to be a drummer. And the way he'd move his mouth in reaction to the technician prodding my belly to try to get him to turn over.... was that attitude I detected? We're gonna have a character on our hands, just hope he's a good one!

His movements were really so rapid it was hard to get good images, but these are a couple of them where you can still see some shadowing from the movement. So far from what we could tell everything is looking good, but we'll see our OB in the next week for further assessment. He was pretty big at 12oz - I had read that at 19 weeks usually they are around more like 9oz - so I'm wondering if our due date is really more back towards the original 12/24 date instead of the 12/30 date based off his measurements earlier in the pregnancy. If so, we could be having a little drummer boy on our hands just in time for Christmas!
In the meantime, that ultrasound was so fun I'm actually looking into some different local ultrasound studios that do 3D/4D images and HD videos. They have packages where you get to book an hour session and they'll do an HD video of the whole session and set it to a lullaby on DVD, and they'll even give you color prints and all your images and videos on a USB drive AND a stuffed animal with a recording of your baby's heartbeat that plays when you hug it. How cool is that? I think I'll wait a little closer to my 3rd trimester though so we might be able to see more of his facial features.
Things are definitely getting more real and exciting day by day :)
Already this kid has got so much energy and personality. And rhythm! The way he was pumping his legs and fists, we wonder if he's destined to be a drummer. And the way he'd move his mouth in reaction to the technician prodding my belly to try to get him to turn over.... was that attitude I detected? We're gonna have a character on our hands, just hope he's a good one!
His movements were really so rapid it was hard to get good images, but these are a couple of them where you can still see some shadowing from the movement. So far from what we could tell everything is looking good, but we'll see our OB in the next week for further assessment. He was pretty big at 12oz - I had read that at 19 weeks usually they are around more like 9oz - so I'm wondering if our due date is really more back towards the original 12/24 date instead of the 12/30 date based off his measurements earlier in the pregnancy. If so, we could be having a little drummer boy on our hands just in time for Christmas!
In the meantime, that ultrasound was so fun I'm actually looking into some different local ultrasound studios that do 3D/4D images and HD videos. They have packages where you get to book an hour session and they'll do an HD video of the whole session and set it to a lullaby on DVD, and they'll even give you color prints and all your images and videos on a USB drive AND a stuffed animal with a recording of your baby's heartbeat that plays when you hug it. How cool is that? I think I'll wait a little closer to my 3rd trimester though so we might be able to see more of his facial features.
Things are definitely getting more real and exciting day by day :)
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