Wedded Bliss - A Year Later

Its been awhile since I've posted an update, but finally we're home after a month of hotel living from the home repairs and mold clean up, and just getting resettled and reorganizing the home again has been rather time consuming. We were, however, able to take a little break from all the chaos last month and celebrate our first wedding anniversary! I'm still in disbelief - how is it an entire year has gone by? Scratch that, how is it we already have a nearly 4 month old baby? Kinda crazy how this has all happened so fast for us. Next month will mark 3 years since we first met, 3 years since I was laid off from my job of 10 years, and 3 years since I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Throughout it all, Stephen has been my anchor. I'm amazed so much how my life has changed. I was so used to being independent and always the one to rescue everyone else. I hated to ever show weakness or have to rely on anyone. I still do, really. But in the years we...