New Year, New Life - A Month Into Mommyhood

Today our son is 5 weeks old, and I can hardly believe how the time has flown. Surprisingly, Stephen and I have settled naturally into a little routine. We've been rocking the teamwork enough to put even synchronized swimmers to shame. A few thoughts a month in: 1) Breast Feeding - I had heard stories from friends how their milk was just overflowing and leaking all the time so I prepared ahead of time with breast pads, clothes & bras for nursing, a pump, a support pillow etc STILL NOT HAPPENING FOR ME! I lost so much blood my milk just didn't want to come in right away. I'm taking Fenugreek supplements and drinking a tea that's supposed to help increase my supply, but these cups just don't over-floweth. The lactation consultant had said I should be pumping every 3 hours, but when I would pump I'd only get 1oz total for both sides 20min each. And then I started feeling under the weather, like I'm fighting a cold, and with the fatig...