The Story Of Us: Darius, A New Chapter

On Wednesday 12/14/16, at 2:50am, our little king arrived. He made quite an entrance too.... We arrived at the hospital on Tuesday, 12/13, at 7:30am, and met with our OB to do a final ultrasound to see what position our son was in. Low and behold, he had moved into a head-straight-down position, very far down in my pelvis. So we had to make the final decision as to whether we wanted to proceed with a c-section or go with a vaginal birth. Our OB really made the case to go with vaginal since it was now a possibility so that I would have a much shorter recovery time, so we decided to give it a go. All the birthing/delivery rooms were full at that point though, so we went off to the cafeteria for breakfast to wait it out a few hours. In that time I remember feeling so nervous. Did I make the right decision? I was already mentally prepared for a c-section and the recovery that would be involved with that type of birth. No labor, a quick...