Heels Over Head for You, Baby!

And I meant that title pretty literally! Its been a couple of crazy weeks, all starting the week of my husband's birthday. We were attending a funeral for the mom of my husband's friend, and it was pretty hot out and we had been standing in the sun for awhile when I started to get a bout of dizziness and vertigo. Its a strange feeling - I just started sweating profusely, my heart started pounding, and my eyes started to get all fuzzy. I guess I'm not all that obviously pregnant still, so since nobody wanted to relinquish their seat to the fainting preggers my husband's dad guided us over to a shady spot further away from the ceremony. So after sitting on top of a grave in the shade covered in ants for awhile and drinking water I felt much better. But getting back up off the ground again was a challenge, and my back wasn't too happy! That didn't stop me the next day though when I decided to move around furniture and baby items that had been s...