The Story of Us
Yesterday Stephen and I finally got around to taking engagement photos, so I've done some reflecting on our relationship and figured now would be a good time to write about how we met and how our relationship represents the diversity I love. In 2012-2013, I had tried a variety of online dating websites - even some with paid memberships. Nothing ever came out of it though; there were a few guys I went on multiple dates with but nothing ever really progressed. I gained so much confidence during this time though, because I really learned what I valued in a relationship and what types of personality traits I could mesh with or not. I could really weed out what I liked or didn't pretty quickly, and had the cajones to speak up about it and not waste anyone's time if things didn't feel right. Sometimes it felt almost business like - thank you for your time, but I don't think we'll be moving forward with your application; we have a different skill set in mind... T...