Changing Perspectives

In general, I tend to avoid politics and religion. That doesn't mean that I'm completely in the dark, don't have any opinions, or don't care though. I just have a sense of...hopelessness of sorts. Cynical much? Yup, pretty much. When you watch the news these days, it's hard not to be a cynic. There are so many countries involved now in the conflicts in the Middle East, and it seems like every time 1 step forward is made, something happens to set everything 3 steps back. So Wednesday's attacks in San Bernardino came as a shock since they hit so closely to home. The reports have said there have now been more mass shootings in the US this year than there have been days in the year so far. When the initial reports started rolling out throughout the day, without any identified suspects, I just thought "oh, probably just another disgruntled, crazy, gun-toting redneck!" After all, most of the recent mass shootings were of that nature, right? ...